Saturday, February 28, 2009

Playing in the snow!

Cameryn and Chad are both sick with the flu. I had it earlier this week and managed to pass it on to them. I am sure Noah is next, but he will probably wait until Monday when we have to go back to work. Anyway this morning we awoke to almost half a foot of snow. Noah wanted to play outside so bad but it so cold and with everyone feeling yucky no one could take him out. Feeling sorry for him, I decided to bring the snow IN so he could still play. I dumped a bunch of snow in the bathtub put his snowsuit and boots on him and he went to town. He had so much fun in there and the snow lasted for about an hour. Every 10 minutes or so I would go out and get another bowl to dump in.

Hopefully everyone is better after this weekend so we can enjoy the 70 degree weather this week!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Cameryn's Valentine's Party

Courtney's Surprise Party

Monday, February 16, 2009

My class made the paper!