Sunday, March 29, 2009

Please Pray

I know there are many children in this world who are sick right now but this one is really tugging at my heart strings. Click on the "Pray for Stellan" to the left to read updates about him. I have been following this family's blog for over a year now and this just breaks my heart!

Living in Missouri...

This was at 10:00 this morning...
Matthew and Noah making snowballs

Aunt Stacy, Matthew, Cameryn, Addy, & Noah building a snowman.

This is at 1:00 in the afternoon

Only thing left of our winter storm is this lonely snowman

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Playing outside today

Noah helping Daddy with the Rhino
Cameryn taking her turn with the camera

Still working...

Cameryn feeding the horses

Cameryn's Birthday Party at the Pool

Monday, March 09, 2009

Cameryn and Addy creating their stepping stones

Nana got Cam a stepping stone kit for her birthday and she loved it. The night of her birthday Cam and Addy painted their stones.
Starting to paint...

Hard at work

The finished product, Thanks Nana!

Cameryn celebrating her birthday at Aunt Stacy's

Cam with her teacher on her birthday
Cam dressed Noah up and took pictures of him.

Noah playing in the backyard, Cameryn made them spots to lay down in case they got tired

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Cameryn's 6th birthday at school