So I am sitting in the salon getting one more row of extensions. For those of you who don't know I got hair extensions this week. My hair is half wet and I am under one of those loud dryers. One of the girls that works there brings me the phone and says it's my sister. I get on the phone and can hear the panic in my sister's voice. "Mandy, it's Stacie, I think Noah ate one of my provigils, What do I do, What do I do!" My sister has MS so she is on several medications and this is one of them. I told her to call poison control and Stacy Rule would be there shortly to come get him so we could take him to the ER. So my sister in law went and got him and I met them at the hospital because I was already in Liberty. Once we got there they got him right in and made him drink (shot it down his throat with a syringe) this Charcoal stuff. It has the consistency of syrup and is chracoal black. It absorbs all the medication and binds it together and the next day you get to see it come out the other end. (By the way, it looks the exact same way when it comes out as it does going in!) He was a little trooper and was cracking us up at the hospital, Chad is out of town so Aunt Stacy and Alison went with us.
My sister felt so bad and kept calling crying and checking on him. I told her this could've happened to any of us, the child is into EVERYTHING! Heck, Chad lost him last week and had to jump on the Rhino and search the neighborhood to find him. This kid does not stop, I know we will have tons of stories to tell his wife and kids some day! Here are so pictures of us at the hospital after the Charcoal episode.
I get a kick out of hearing what Noah has been up to! He reminds me a lot of myself from the stories I've heard about when I was little. Never a dull moment with him, huh? He's your "free spirit"! (c:
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